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Core and Grounding & Inversion Foundation Lab

Join Titti Torchia for a weekend of workshop labs that will empower your practice and deepen your awareness!

Saturday, June 8th, 1-3 PM: Core and Grounding

This workshop is designed to connect with your core, your center, and use its power for the entire practice. Every asana and transition during the sequence will use core activation to find functionality and fluidity in yourmovements.

When you learn to use your core correctly, you stop “sitting on your joints” like the lower back, hips and knees, and your practice becomes safer. Once you integrate this concept into your yoga practice, through activation and strengthening, you will transfer its wisdom to every movement in your life from walking and running to lifting heavy weights and practicing your favorite sport. When the core is strong we are less inclined to suffer injuries.

The first part of the class will focus on activating and strengthening the four main abdominal muscles — transversus abdomen, rectus abdomen, external obliques and internal obliques — with different exercises and asanas. The breath will be our guide as well as kapalabhati pranayam (breath of fire).

The second part of the class will feature a vinyasa yoga sequence where you will learn to use your core not only where its action is most evident, like in navasana, but in almost every transition, like moving from high lunge to warrior two or practicing your favorite arm balance (crow) or inversion (headstand, handstand, pincha). In this second part we will also pay close attention to our feet, our roots, establishing a strong connection from feet to legs to core.

This class is open to all levels. Be ready to have a lot of fun and strengthen the body to, in turn, strengthen the mind!

Sunday, June 9th, 1-3 PM: Inversion Foundation Lab

When I entered a yoga studio for the first time I was in New York; everyone — from 15- to 75-year-olds — was going upsidedown! I was the only one not doing it and I wanted to run out of the class! Today I love inversions, they really put me in a good mood, giving me strength in knowing that with time, patience and perseverance I can always conquer fears and limitations I put in my mind.

This workshop is designed for everyone and especially for “new inverters”! We will start from the basics, strengthening and warming up with a fun and exciting vinyasa practice. We will specifically reinforce the body parts that efficiently help us to feel stronger for inverting and you will feel the difference once these body parts are activated!

Everyone will have their own path in the making. I love the mechanics of the body so I will make sure to give everyone something new to discover and get excited about.

What about fears? We will overcome these by exploring our potential, instead of pushing our limits, with the help of the breath.

The workshop will end with a delicious cool down with more static asanas on the floor and hands-on adjustments that will help you to completely relax and let go.

About Titti:

Titti started practicing yoga when she was seventeen, as therapy for her dance injuries. She was in New York, having an early career as a professional dancer (Martha Graham Dance Company, Elisa Monte) when she understood that yoga was a must, to feel better in her body. Her journey with the yoga practice started then, as she eagerly started to explore all different styles of yoga in NYC: Vinyasa, Jivamukti, Yin, Hatha, Hot and Bikram. Since then she has never stopped practicing, because she realized the power of yoga.

When she came back to Italy, still as a professional dancer, she decided to take the Sivananda Hatha Yoga Teacher Training in the Ashram of Reith in Tyrol, because she wanted to live, practice, and meditate as a real yogi, and as a teacher she wanted to go back to the roots of yoga.

Titti’s classes are full of movement, deep breathing and smiles, and her mission is to try to make her students expand to their highest potential, teaching them how to listen to their body and to their own truth.

RSVP in MindBody. Attend one or both workshops, online or in studio.

June 2

Reiki Infused Crystal Alchemy Sound Bath

June 14

Gratitude Yoga Weekend with Pradeep Teotia